RCA Wet and Wild

Recovering Couples Anonymous

“The only RCA meeting in Hawaii” and EVERYONE WELCOME.

Located on the Island of Hawaii and recently expanded to an open Zoom meeting. The meeting is open to anyone that has a desire to be in a committed relation.

We meet each Tuesday at 5:30 (Hawaiian time)

Recovering Couple Anonymous

RCA Wet and Wild Tuesday Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting 
Tuesday at 5:30pm Hawaiian Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 973 3893

On February 21, 2021 the RCA Wet and Wild meeting
sponsored a 1 day Zoom Retreat.

“The Extended Safety Guidelines”   

 A copy of  The Extended Safety Guidelines is available here.

 The final workshop of the day was presented by Brian R. and Linda P.  Intimacy Backlash… A subject that we have all been warned about.  Linda and Brian shared an example and presented a worksheet to identifying goals what that help couples move to recovery forward when Intimacy Backlash starts to show up.

Intimacy Backlash worksheet

presented by
Brian R & Linda P



The RCA Wet and Wild Contact List is available to access by using a password. The password will be made available at the Weekly Zoom meeting.

Meeting Contact List

If you are interested in adding your contact information to the meeting’s list please fill out the form below. Press submit.  Once your information had been added you will recieve a confirmation email.

If you are available for recovery calls add your information to the meetings contact list.

14 + 14 =

Swedish Check-in questions:
  1. what was the best part of my day?
  2. what was the worst part of my day?
  3. how am I feeling now?
  4. what do I like about you?
  5. what can you do for me? (or, how can you support me)? 
  6. what can Higher Power do for our coupleship?
Couple’s Tenth Step
  1. what are three things you did to help the relationship?
  2. what are three things I did to harm the relationship?

Before I speak… THINK

  • is it true…
  • is it helpful…
  • is it inspiring…
  • is it necessary…
  • is it kind…